Do you make a learning schedule?

ronynn · September 4, 2023

I’ve been thinking about this whole learning thing, and I gotta tell you, writing down the steps for a big project is a lifesaver. It clears out all that mental clutter. But when you’re tackling something like learning new skills over a long stretch, it gets messy. Sure, it’s easy to figure out how long to revise stuff you already know, but how on earth do you schedule learning something completely new? You can’t. I can’t plan for something I’ve never done before. Sometimes new concepts click in minutes, other times they take hours, days, or get shoved aside until I need them for something more advanced.

It reminds me of what mathematicians say—most of the time, you don’t truly get it; you just get used to it. Makes sense, right? But that doesn’t help with time management. We live in this vast, unpredictable world where each day is a new discovery, a new challenge. We want to learn, grow, expand our minds and souls. But how can we plan that when we don’t even know what we’re diving into?

The thing is, learning isn’t something you can just time and measure like a factory process. It’s alive, organic, driven by curiosity and passion. It depends on how interesting the subject is and how connected you feel to it. Learning’s not a straight road; it’s a twisting journey full of surprises, wrong turns, failures, and breakthroughs.

Trying to schedule learning is like putting a wild animal in a cage. It just doesn’t work. It ignores the true nature of learning, reduces it to a numbers game. Learning isn’t a chore or a duty you can force into a timetable. It’s a joy, a gift, something you’ve got to embrace.

So here’s what I’m gonna do: I’m not gonna schedule my learning. I’m gonna let it flow naturally. I’ll follow my curiosity, let it lead me where it will. I’ll dive deep when something grabs me and move on when it doesn’t. No more trying to control every aspect. I’ll let learning transform me, open my mind, guide me to new places. I’ll keep it flexible, stay humble, stay curious. I want to learn like I live, and live like I learn. Learning is life. That’s the plan.

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