Building high self esteem

ronynn · August 19, 2023

You know that quote by Blaise Pascal, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”? It’s got me thinking. There’s something huge about being content with what we’ve got and who we are. Finding joy and peace in the simple, everyday stuff—there’s real power in that. If you can be happy without needing fortune’s ups and downs or other people’s approval, you’ve got it made.

But don’t get me wrong. Having a high baseline of happiness doesn’t mean you’re complacent or indifferent. It’s not about denying reality or avoiding change. It’s definitely not about lacking ambition. It’s about balance and harmony. It’s knowing who you really are and recognizing your potential. It’s building up your inner strength and spiritual resources.

When you have this high baseline, you can live in the moment. You’re not bogged down by the past or worried about the future. You appreciate what you have without always craving more. You accept who you are without envying others. You enjoy what you do without being fixated on results or rewards.

This high baseline helps you tackle challenges and overcome obstacles without getting discouraged. It lets you chase your goals and dreams without burning out. It allows you to express your talents and share your gifts without fear or arrogance. It lets you serve others and make a difference without being selfish or boastful.

So, how do we raise this baseline and keep it high? There are a few ways:

  1. Meditation: Spend some time each day in silence. Just sit and observe your breath, your thoughts, your feelings. Meditation calms your nerves and clears your mind.

  2. Self-care: Do something every day that nourishes your body, mind, and soul. Eat well, sleep well, and exercise. Read something inspiring, listen to uplifting music, watch something beautiful. Get creative, have fun, do something meaningful.

  3. Positive affirmations: Every day, tell yourself positive things about your worth, your abilities, and your aspirations. Say them out loud or write them down. Believe in them. Affirmations can shape your reality and boost your confidence.

Instead of relying on the adrenaline of the moment, build a solid baseline of skills. Then, when the right project comes along, you can jump in without hesitation. You’ll either have the skills you need or the knack for picking up new ones quickly. And make sure to ground all this in strong, ever-growing values. It’s about living fully and learning constantly, all while keeping a steady, strong foundation.

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