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Markdown is better than powerpoint for making presentations

June 24, 2024

We live in an age of information and communication. We are constantly required to share our ideas and knowledge with others, in various forms and formats. One of the most common and popular forms of communication is the presentation. A presentation is a way of delivering information to an audience, using visual aids and verbal explanations.

However, not all presentations are created equal. Some are clear and effective, while others are confusing and boring. Some are engaging and persuasive, while others are dull and forgettable. Some are original and creative, while others are clichéd and repetitive.

What makes the difference between a good and a bad presentation? Is it the content, the delivery, the design, or the format? I believe that all these factors are important, but one of them is often overlooked or neglected: the format.

“Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The format of a presentation is the way it is structured and organized, using certain tools and conventions. The most common and widely used format for presentations is the slide. A slide is a single page of information that contains text, images, graphs, charts, or other elements. A presentation usually consists of a series of slides that are shown on a screen or projector.

Slides have been the dominant format for presentations for decades. They have become so ubiquitous and familiar that we rarely question their usefulness or suitability. We assume that they are the best and only way to present information. We follow their rules and templates without thinking. We accept their limitations and drawbacks without complaining.

But I think that we should do away with slides as the default or mandatory format for presentations. I think that we should use a different and better format: markdown.

_ Here are some points that summarize the negatives of powerpoint slides: _

_ Markdown has many advantages over slides as a format for presentations. Here are some of them: _

Powerpoint slides are not the best or only way to present information. They have many drawbacks and limitations that can affect the quality and effectiveness of the presentation. They are a form of conformity and control that stifles creativity and diversity.

Markdown, on the other hand, is a simple and powerful way to present information. It has many advantages and benefits that can improve the clarity and efficiency of the presentation. It is also flexible and adaptable to different platforms and devices. It is a form of freedom and choice that encourages originality and variety.