Phototography vs Videograophy

Nature isn’t just some place we drop by for a visit; it’s our true home, as Gary Snyder eloquently put it. It’s been a muse for artists and writers throughout history. From the poetic verses of Wordsworth to the mesmerizing strokes of Monet’s brush, nature has inspired creativity in countless ways. But what is it about nature’s dynamic, ever-changing beauty that captivates us so deeply?

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Do you make a learning schedule?

I’ve been thinking about this whole learning thing, and I gotta tell you, writing down the steps for a big project is a lifesaver. It clears out all that mental clutter. But when you’re tackling something like learning new skills over a long stretch, it gets messy. Sure, it’s easy to figure out how long to revise stuff you already know, but how on earth do you schedule learning something completely new? You can’t. I can’t plan for something I’ve never done before. Sometimes new concepts click in minutes, other times they take hours, days, or get shoved aside until I need them for something more advanced.

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Building high self esteem

You know that quote by Blaise Pascal, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone”? It’s got me thinking. There’s something huge about being content with what we’ve got and who we are. Finding joy and peace in the simple, everyday stuff—there’s real power in that. If you can be happy without needing fortune’s ups and downs or other people’s approval, you’ve got it made.

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Being busy doing nothing

You know that quote from Lao Tzu, “Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing”? It’s been bugging me. I thought I agreed with it, but now I’m not so sure. I mean, a lot of the stuff we keep ourselves busy with feels like nothing—either foolish or just ways to pass the time.

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Making a game as a gift for a friend

I recently finished a project that I want to tell you about. It’s a game I made for a friend of mine, for his birthday. He has a sharp wit and a good sense of humor, and I wanted to give him something that would suit his taste. So, I made a game called “Aesthetics Over Plot.”

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Search for the Sacrosanct

Books, are like portals to alternate realities, carefully crafted to expand our horizons and challenge our perspectives. But not all books are created equal. In a sea of literature, it’s tough to know which ones are worth your time. Some are like tantalizing appetizers, offering a taste of something intriguing. Others are like hearty meals, begging to be devoured in one sitting. And then there are those precious few that demand to be chewed over and digested slowly, their wisdom absorbed into the very fiber of your being.

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