Communication is more important than silent hardwork

There’s a certain elegance to silence, a kind of wisdom that speaks volumes without uttering a single word. Dionysius of Halicarnassus knew this well when he implored, “Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent.” A noble sentiment, indeed, but like many pearls of wisdom cast into the vast sea of the internet, its surface allure can belie deeper truths.

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Nothing is new

“Everything ever to be invented has already been invented.” So claimed Charles Holland Duell, a man of apparent certainty in an era of boundless possibility. Yet, as we gaze upon the expanse of human achievement and progress, it’s hard not to feel a pang of skepticism lurking beneath the surface.

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How I take notes

Let me tell you how I’m making notes these days. This isn’t an essay; it’s just my current hack at it. I figured out the best way to do it a couple of days ago, but naturally, I didn’t write it down, so now we’re stuck with this makeshift method. Welcome to my chaotic mind.

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Writing on the Go

So, picture this: writing on the go. Sounds adventurous, right? Taking that term literally, it means scribbling down your thoughts whenever you’re out and about—maybe sitting in a café or lounging on a park bench. Personally, I find those spots to be the gold mines of inspiration. Whether you’re into travel, food, short stories, or sci-fi epics, the world around you—the trees, the birds, the people—offers up endless material.

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Moral choices in games

Ever found yourself knee-deep in a video game, questioning every moral fiber of your being? It’s like being tossed into a philosophical blender and forced to confront the consequences of your pixelated actions. These games don’t just entertain; they provoke introspection. They thrust you into ethical maelstroms with no clear way out, leaving you to wrestle with your own moral compass.

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What my wallpapers say about me

Wallpapers. Not just your run-of-the-mill wall coverings, my friend. Oh no, they’re so much more than that. They’re like the silent guardians of our rooms, the stoic witnesses to our lives’ little dramas. They’re the unsung heroes of home décor, the unsolicited therapists of our inner sanctums.

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Creativity through Subtraction

In our modern world, inundated with choices and distractions, we often find ourselves grappling with the notion that more equates to better. We’re seduced by the promise of abundance—more options, more information, more experiences, more everything. Yet, amidst this sea of excess, we’re left to wonder: does quantity truly lead to quality? Or is there something inherently valuable in simplicity, in the art of subtraction?

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