Reflecting on “Aesthetics Over Plot”

ronynn · November 5, 2023

Ah, the delightful dance of creativity, where imagination takes flight and reality fades into the background. As both a wordsmith and an artist, I’ve long been enamored with the intoxicating allure of artistic expression. For me, art isn’t just a mere pastime; it’s a transcendental journey that challenges societal norms and revels in the absurdity of existence.

Enter my latest creation, “Aesthetics Over Plot: The Unemployed’s Odyssey” – a whimsical escapade through the labyrinthine corridors of the job acquisition circus. Picture, if you will, our protagonist, a young biologist navigating the treacherous waters of a job market devoid of demand for his expertise. Armed with naught but his wits and a dash of desperation, he embarks on a surreal odyssey, encountering bosses of the most peculiar ilk – from obstinate donkeys to sentient walls and sagacious cacti.

But whence came the inspiration for this fantastical romp, you ask? Ah, my dear friend, I drew from the wellspring of art movements such as impressionism, surrealism, and dadaism – bastions of unconventional thought and avant-garde expression. Their rejection of societal norms and embrace of the unconventional spoke to my very soul, inspiring me to craft a satire that dares to challenge the status quo.

And then, of course, there is the inimitable Oscar Wilde, whose prose dances upon the page with the grace of a masterful symphony. His wit, his elegance, his penchant for irony – they all serve as beacons guiding my creative endeavors. In “Aesthetics Over Plot,” I sought to emulate Wilde’s unparalleled style, infusing the dialogue with a delightful blend of wit, irony, and paradox.

But beyond mere homage, my dear reader, lies a deeper exploration of aesthetic philosophy – that delicate dance between beauty and reality. Through the lens of our intrepid protagonist, I delved into the dichotomy between idealistic aspirations and harsh realities, weaving a tapestry of existential musings and poignant reflections.

And what of the language, you inquire? Ah, here lies the pièce de résistance – a departure from the rigid confines of academic discourse to embrace the whimsy of colloquialism. For what better way to juxtapose the protagonist’s scholarly pursuits with the mundanity of everyday life than through the playful cadence of casual conversation?

But wait, there’s more – for “Aesthetics Over Plot” is not merely a game, but a narrative within a narrative, a tale spun from the depths of our hero’s psyche. Through humor and wit, he navigates the tumultuous seas of disappointment and frustration, finding solace in the absurdity of his own misadventures.

So, my dear reader, did you find yourself enraptured by this whimsical tale? Did it elicit laughter, provoke thought, or perhaps a bit of both? Your feedback, dear reader, is a precious gift, a beacon guiding me toward greater heights of artistic expression. And so, with heartfelt gratitude, I bid you adieu until our paths cross once more in the hallowed halls of imagination.

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