Revising time to time
- Javascript, Python for DSA
Text editors
- Notepad++ (It’s simple and it works great)
- Helix Editor (It’s simple and it works great)
- VSCode (was way too slow on my pc, and on google’s idx, but github editor is nice)
- Neovim (I am not proficient at using this, I made two lua plugins that served no practical purpose)
Have used previously
- React (Freecodecamp](
- Alpinejs (Nice)
- Svelte (Demos only)
- Typescript (outside vscode/any IDE it isn’t of much help)
- Nim (Nim to js)
- C# (Freecodecamp, MSLearn Certificate)
- Pyscript (it wasnt slow on my phone)
- SCSS (CSS today can do most of the things that it couldn’t when SCSS was popular)
- Ruby on Rails
- Jekyll Pages: Current Blog
- GLSL Shaders in shader editor
- Processing, P5js
- Tic80 with Lua
- Threejs, aframejs: prototypes
- Rust for a command line based interactive fiction
- Livescript, Pugjs
- Sugarcube-2, Gruescript, Inkle’s Ink, Inform6
- JQuery, Underscorejs, Backbonejs (Twine Snowman):
Interested in using someday
- Tailwind with Daisy UI, Beercss
- Astro, Hugo, Zola
- Hyperscript, Solidjs, Preact
- Phoenix web framework with Elixir
- Moonscript with love2d (Cart Life Clone)
- WASM4 with Assemblyscript: chrome dino clone
- F#, Julia
- Q#
- GDScript Godot with point and click framework
- Pocketbase
- Zed Editor
- Blender + Unreal Engine + Motion Capture
- OpenTTD Multiplayer automated