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Critique to my struggles using nim-to-js for a web project

October 15, 2024

I had previously written an article on my struggles using nim-to-js compilation for web projects but reading it some time later felt the need to critique it as it wasn’t clear about some things.

1. “Limited Documentation and Community Support”

You mention that the lack of comprehensive documentation and community support was one of the major struggles you faced with nim-to-js. While this is a valid point, I would argue that the Nim ecosystem, particularly for web development, is still young, but it’s growing.


Challenge: Could your expectations for documentation and support be aligned with the fact that Nim is still in a developmental phase for web applications, and the community is just beginning to explore this area?

2. “JavaScript Interoperability Issues”

You highlight problems with interoperability when trying to integrate Nim with JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue.js, particularly with React’s virtual DOM and component architecture. This is a fair concern, but I would challenge whether it’s the fault of Nim itself or more a matter of transpilation and bridging two different paradigms.


Challenge: Could it be that using nim-to-js with highly opinionated frameworks like React or Vue was the wrong choice in the first place? Should the problem be seen more as a misalignment between paradigms rather than a specific issue with Nim?

3. “Tooling and Build Process”

You mention challenges with the build pipeline and integration of nim-to-js into larger web projects, especially when compared to established ecosystems like Webpack and Babel. I agree that Nim’s web toolchain isn’t as polished as JavaScript’s, but I think there’s a deeper issue to consider here: The problem may not be with Nim, but rather the approach you’re taking.


Challenge: Could the difficulty you had in the build process be tied to trying to fit Nim into existing JavaScript-centric tools rather than adapting the process to suit Nim’s unique compilation model?

4. “Performance and Compatibility Issues”

You argue that Nim-generated JavaScript didn’t perform as well as you expected, with larger bundle sizes and slower execution than equivalent JavaScript code. This is a valid concern, but I would argue that the performance issues you encountered are partly due to the nature of the transpilation process.


Challenge: Could the performance issues you faced be mitigated by using Nim’s advanced optimization options during transpilation? And might you have expected too much in terms of raw performance from transpiled code when Nim excels in native applications?

5. “Limited Library Support”

You mention that third-party libraries and frameworks for Nim in the web development space are limited. While this is certainly true, it might be more about the niche use case rather than a fundamental problem with the language or the transpiler.


Challenge: Is the lack of web-specific libraries a temporary gap that will eventually be filled as the Nim community grows, or is it more indicative of Nim’s niche position in the broader web development ecosystem?

Final Thoughts:

While the struggles you faced with nim-to-js are understandable, many of the issues could be part of the growing pains of using a relatively new language and toolchain. It’s also important to distinguish between problems stemming from Nim’s design (which may need to evolve) and how the language interacts with existing, well-established web technologies (which could just require more creative integration).

Your points about interoperability, tooling, and performance are valid, but they could benefit from more contextualizing—especially with regard to the early-stage nature of using Nim for web apps. Many of the challenges you encountered may have solutions that evolve as the Nim web ecosystem matures.

Would it be more fair to view these struggles not as failures of Nim, but as expected difficulties when introducing a lesser-known language to a highly mature domain like web development?