A big limitation in understanding data sets is that we think with the hypothesis first

Being a thinker isn’t just about having a brain; it’s about flexing those observational muscles and soaking up knowledge like a sponge in a library. Thinkers, the good ones at least, have seen some stuff and learned a thing or two. And based on all that observation and learning, they cook up a hypothesis. But hold your horses, what’s the deal with this “careful observation is the same thing as data” spiel?

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Time organisation for studying

“Lost time is never found again,” so said Ben Franklin, and he was onto something. Time, it’s a slippery thing, slipping through our fingers like water through a sieve. We’re always chasing after it, trying to catch up, but somehow it’s never quite within reach. We fill our days with noise and distraction, the important things getting lost in the shuffle.

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The Doomsday Programmer

Programming is a craft that can create wonders?machines, games, art?but too many of us have gotten lazy. We’ve fallen into the trap of relying on crutches?libraries, frameworks, fancy editors?that promise to make our lives easier but end up weighing us down. Enter doomsday programming: the antidote to our crutch addiction. I’m here to make the case for stripping things down to the bare essentials and embracing the doomsday way.

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Showing the narrative analytically in essays

Essay writing is a complex and multifaceted skill that demands both clarity and creativity from the writer. Different writers may adopt different strategies to organize and present their ideas, depending on the purpose, audience, and topic of their essays. Some writers may opt for an analytical mode that employs bullet points to outline their arguments and convey them in a concise and logical manner.

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Reflecting on “Aesthetics Over Plot”

Ah, the delightful dance of creativity, where imagination takes flight and reality fades into the background. As both a wordsmith and an artist, I’ve long been enamored with the intoxicating allure of artistic expression. For me, art isn’t just a mere pastime; it’s a transcendental journey that challenges societal norms and revels in the absurdity of existence.

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